DDA Access Statements

A DDA Access Statement is a really practical measure which supports inclusive design.  It is a record maintained for the life of the premises that is updated whenever building works are undertaken.  It should demonstrate how all potential users can utilise the premises, and that their access needs have been considered in its planning design and management.

The exact form of the Access Statement will depend on the size, nature and complexity of the building or space. However, each statement should define the following points:

  • the policy and approach to access being adopted, including reference to the inclusion of disabled people
  • any specific issues effecting access to the particular building or space, and solutions to overcome them
  • the sources of advice and technical guidance followed, including any user consultation planned and undertaken
  • the access strategy being implemented, and
  • any action plan detailing the implementation of the access strategy.

Safety Priorities Ltd and Dental Support UK would be pleased to provide you with your DDA Access Statement following the completion of a DDA Access Audit.


Contact us Direct on : 01483 225550 for a FREE Quote or to arrange a Visit


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